Monday, January 19, 2009

Where will this lead to?

Half of Europe is finding hard to fight the bitter cold without heat as the energy supplies to major part of Europe got disrupted since jan 1 because of the feud between the erstwhile Soviet Union and its member state. Gazprom, Russia’s largest and state owned Energy Company stopped its fuel supplies to Ukraine citing the nonpayment of the bills as the reason for its cut. As Ukraine is the major transit route of fuel supply from Russia to other parts of Europe, Ukraine started siphoning off the fuel supplied across the pipes through the country. This made the Russian authorities to take the stringent action to cut the supply entirely through the Orange revolution state, though promising the increase of fuel supplies through its other networks, but neither could it deny the fact that 80% of the fuel supplied to Europe goes through Ukraine not could it mitigate the sufferings of the people who are living without the fuel supply.

With the Russia’s credibility of being a reliable supplier of fuel dipping into deep low, Czech Republic holding the current EU presidency is trying hard to reach out a solution between the two bitter rivals, who have fought on the same lines in 2006 over the price of the fuel. Russia, with the veteran Putin as the PM is standing very hard in its position to increase the price of the fuel supplied to Ukraine and their counter part is also equally standing on their firm resolution not to budge that easily as they have the support of USA and EU. With the attempts made by EU to bring forth an agreement getting failed, the two nations have not stopped accusing each other for the disruption of fuel services.

Well there is no doubt that Russia is trying to play a spoiled sport, but it was left with no other option but to go in this hard line and earning the wrath of the nations in Europe. Russia is not going to settle down for anything lesser than what it demands this time. Well let us watch out for further developments this week.

1 comment:

Ravisekharan (a) Ravi said...


nice one..

Frankly speaking,

I was confused abt dis HAPPENING. U made it crisp and clear.
Great Job!!