Monday, January 5, 2009

Israel - Palestine!!!!!!!!!!!

With rockets pouring at the Israeli soil, the retaliatory attack against the Hamas is incomparable in its magnitude. The Islamic university is torn apart, a strongman in Hamas is assassinated and when the aerial raid is gaining momentum, the Israel government is mulling about ground attacks too. The international journalists and other international organizations have been denied entry into Gaza, well a place in our world which is facing total black out is going unnoticed with leading international players including US and UK justifying the Israel’s right to protect its area from the militants.

This is not an issue that has been created some years back but dates from 1947 when UN passed a resolution for the creation of Jewish state-Israel which led to the conflict between the Arab states and Israel, in which Israel gained a lot. Then again Israel started its aggression in the 1967, known as the SIX DAY WAR, snatching Gaza strip, West Bank, Golan heights from Egypt,Jordan and Syria respectively. Many decades have passed, yet the peace eludes the Middle East.

Let Hamas be branded as terrorist as they ruthlessly attack the innocent citizens of Israel. But one can never justify the killing of several innocent civilians in Palestine because of the aerial shelling from Israel. More than 100 deaths of civilians, including a majority of women and children, have been reported so far since Israel’s attack last week.

There won’t be any improvement in the situation unless both the sides budge. People in Palestine must realize that waging war against Israel will only worsen their situation further. Winning a war over a state which is developed than theirs by over several folds and which has the strong backing from the most developed countries of the world is an impossible event. Hamas militants can utmost kill some hundreds of Israeli people and neither their guerilla warfare nor their suicide attacks is going to daunt the country which earns its most income from its arms export. What Israel did to Palestine is an unjustifiable act, but hatred and revenge against Israeli is not going to bring peace to the Islamic nation. Though it can’t be forgiven or forgotten, war can’t provide solution to Palestinians but it just adds further woes to them. It is high time that Hamas realize this and that Israel stops their inhuman attacks on the region, which is experiencing severe humanitarian crisis for several decades.

It is really hard to forget the painful past that Palestine has experienced over the years. But if the people of Japan had the hatred and the attitude to revenge US for their dropping of atomic bomb, Japan wouldn’t have become the world second largest economy. And not to forget that half the Jammu and Kashmir has been occupied by Pakistan and China, though there is an option to attack back those foreign forces to withdraw from the region which is recognized to be a part of our country, we refuse to do so.

If we chose to take this bitter pill today to forget what had happened in the past over the decades, the next generation of people in the Middle East can lead a peaceful life forever and ever; else never in the future can peace be restored in this region which has remained as battle zone for years. I could still recollect the photo showing a Palestinian woman weeping when the Israeli troops forced their own Israeli people to evacuate from Gaza strip in 2005 when Aerial Sharon, then Israeli PM ordered forced evacuation from Gaza strip. It shows the courtesy in the heart of the People to feel sad even for those people from their bitter archrival nation. Let the International community realize that the value of life of a common man in Palestine is as much higher as that of a person from any other part of the world and help both the warring state to settle out their differences and to bring an everlasting peace to the region.

1 comment:

Ravisekharan (a) Ravi said...

I m wid u,
WAR is never a solution. Some peace plan has to be charted out.

Good work again man!!