Thursday, February 12, 2009

Oops..... Where are we now!!

When given a moment to think about what is actually happening in our country, I really feel shocked that the world’s most populous democratic nation is in the grip of some communal sections that is trying to control the rest of the people. With the pub incident in Mangalore, Ram sene organization has given an open statement that they would thwart the celebration of Valentine’s Day. The Karnataka state government, though it claims itself to be protecting its people from these sorts of people, has not done anything substantial in cracking down the organization and the people accused in the pub incidents have been released out in bail. In the name of preserving the culture, one has no right to deprive other people’s right to celebrate some special days.

Another interesting fact is the statement issued by BJP that they would built temple in the place of Babri Masjid. Having done a major offence against a particular community by destroying a holy place of their worship, a loud statement like this will hurt the sentiments of the people who have been already hurt repeatedly. When the case before the court has not been resolved, it was an irresponsible statement given by a leading political party with the aim of getting votes and to woo organizations like RSS, VHP etc. The so called fundamental right to worship and right to freedom of expression will soon be out of reach for the minority people if we are headed in this direction.

1 comment:

chinmay totekar said...

i totally disagree with your views. Indian culture is fast getting westernized. Though some people might like the western culture, majority of the indian's still have deep rooted traditions, and its nnot possible to suddently change someones culture. India is going through a period where the generation gap has reduced to as low as 10yrs, and its obvious that people who cannot flow along with this sudden influx of new culture feel insecure and will try to oppose it. At least short term impact of this sudden change might be disastrous, and people will take time to adjust(new generations) with this culture. Though the incident of attacking girls can be the work of "ravana", and not rama, since this is politically motivated issue we cannot pin point at any particular person. People do have freedom of everything, others have to see that they do not attack anybody unless they are anyway related to the issue.
Regarding Babri masjid, its not just babri masjid, there are thousands of temples and masjids facing similar problems, these things will continue to happen as long as people try to spread their religion, and destroy others places.